


Hyper-V Linux Integration Service on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

If you are running a hyper-v server with an Ubuntu 16.04 guest, it is beneficial to install the Linux Integration Services (LIS). This is comparable to VMware tools which provides a connection between the host and the VM for proper reboots etc. To enable this on your guest operating system we need to edit the module files located in: nano /etc/initramfs-tools/modules Once you are in nano add the...

Installing NextCloud on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Apache2, Lets Encrypt, Redis and APCu

NextCloud is an open source fork of ownCloud that has gone completely FOSS (Free and Open-Source Software), the significant difference being ownCloud is closed source with two pricing models, wheras NextCloud is open source. The NextCloud developers value their users. I recommend hosting this on a VPS with more than 100GB’s of storage or a dedicated server since the whole point of NextCloud...

Enable Tun/Tap in a Proxmox LXC Container

If you are trying to install OpenVPN onto a Proxmox LXC container and the install keeps failing, its due to the module not being activated on the Proxmox node. To correct the problem, login to your ROOT Proxmox node, (Not the LXC container) and edit the default configuration file for all LXC containers. If you don’t want to enable this feature for all LXC containers (including future ones)...

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